Draining your pool is one of the several essential procedures concerning cleanliness, maintenance, and extending the general life of your pool. Whether you are winterizing your pool, doing major maintenance, or want to lower the level of water in it, there is a right way to do so safely and efficiently. The most frequent way to drain a pool is using a sand filter system with a multiport valve that bypasses the filter and expels water.
In this article, you can check the following step-by-step tutorial about How To Drain a Pool With a Sand Filter when you make a plan to handle the pool maintaining job.
Table of Contents
Preparation for Draining the Pool
Before you drain the pool, prepare your pool and equipment for the process. First, here is a quick list of things to consider before you start draining:
Switch off the Pump: Switch off the swimming pool pump. This is the first precautionary measure that will prevent the sucking of unwanted debris or particles into the filter during the process. This avoids clogging and possible damage to the system.
Supplies Needed: A backwash hose, which typically comes with your sand filter system, and an approved disposal area for the water. If you have a disposal area, it must be well away from anything that can be harmed by a significant volume of water, such as plants and structures.
Check Water Level: Take a reading of the current water level in your pool and note where you want it when you start draining. If you are winterizing, drain it about an inch off from the return jets or wall jets.
Step-by-Step Guide: How to Drain a Pool Using a Sand Filter
Step 1: Shut Off the Pump
First, the pump should be turned off. This is important because it will save the pump or filter system from certain damage while draining, with no additional water from the pool. It should not be left on, or it may cause unnecessary wear on equipment and even admit air into the system, leading to other problems.
Step 2: Install Backwash Hose
Once the pump is turned off, it is time to set up the backwash hose. This hose diverts water from the pool to a suitable area for drainage. Unroll the hose and place it in a safe location where the water can be released without causing any damage. Be sure to check your local ordinances regarding draining regulations, as some cities have specific specifications regarding draining pool water into storm drains or other public systems.
Step 3: Rotate the Multiport Valve to the Waste Position
You must now set the multiport valve to the “Waste” position. The multiport valve is part of your filtration system through which you can control water flow to the filter, backwash, rinse, and waste functions. Turning it to the “Waste” setting diverts water around the sand filter and directly out of the pool.
To achieve this, carefully return the multiport valve to a “Waste” position in a clockwise direction. This is an important step because it allows water to pass around the filtration system, preventing debris or particles from getting caught up in the filter media as the draining occurs.
Step 4: Turn the Pump Back On
With the multiport valve set to waste, it is time to switch the pump on again. At this point, the water starts draining from the pool. Observe the level of the water in the pool as the pump starts forcing it out. You will want to ensure the water is chugging steadily out of the pool without any hitches in the drainage hose.
Next, carefully observe the facility’s water level to determine whether any part of the drainage may be leaking or clogged. If an abnormality is witnessed, then one should turn off the process and examine the situation before continuing.
Step 5: Measurement of Water Level
This should be done while closely monitoring the water level. You will want to ensure the pool is drained to the desired level, usually about an inch below the return jets-wall jets for winterizing. This will ensure that your plumbing system is protected against freezing temperatures and that the water level is low enough to provide for proper winterizing yet not low enough to damage the pool equipment.
Remember to drain slowly so as not to rush the process of losing the pool’s water, which is called ‘over-draining.’
Step 6: Stop the Pump When the Level Required is Attained
Once the pool water has reached its desired level, it is time to turn the pump off again. This will prevent excess water from entering the filtration system and causing damage to the pump or simply air entry into the system. If the pump is turned off on time, the pool will be safely drained to the correct level.
Step 7: Change the Multiport Valve Back to the Filter Position
Once drained, turn the multiport valve back from the waste to the “Filter” position. This is necessary because it returns the filter to its original operating mode. In returning it to this position, you are literally setting up the pool’s filtration system for the next course of action, whether to start filling it again or to continue with maintenance. This will ensure the valve is set correctly to avoid future water circulation problems.
Step 8: Cleanup and Roll Up the Backwash Hose
Once done, clean the process up. Start by picking up the backwash hose and draining all the water out of it. Then, roll up the hose and lay it in a dry area out of the way until next time. Clean the pool area to ensure no debris or water falls to the ground from the backwashing, and get rid of extra water responsibly.
Additional Tips and Considerations
Leaks and Damage: While draining, take note of leaks or further damage to the pool or plumbing. Sometimes, draining your pool can show cracks or weaknesses in the structure; take this opportunity to fix these areas before refilling.
Winterizing: If you are about to drain the pool for winter, set the water level low enough not to freeze during winter but high enough to protect equipment and plumbing installed in the pool.
Avoid Over-Draining: Make sure to avoid draining the pool too low. Over-draining might damage the structure of your pool or some equipment inside, especially in cold weather.
While draining a pool with a sand filter may seem complex, knowing the right steps will make the process manageable. This way, you maintain the health of your pool and keep it in good working condition. By applying the step-by-step guide above, you can drain your pool safely and efficiently, either for regular maintenance or to winterize it.
Remember, if you are uncomfortable with any part of this process, you can contact a professional in the pool technology field for assistance. Good care of your pool will ensure that it remains a safe, clean, and enjoyable place to relax for years.