by Ronald Rocco Ronald Rocco No Comments

How Much Chlorine For A 1200 Gallon Pool?

A clean pool is a happy pool. To fulfill this, you will need the correct amount of chlorine. This article will guide you to the required chlorination doses. We will specifically target the 1200-gallon pool and compare pool chlorine products. In this case, we shall examine the pool chlorine tablets. The guide illustrates simple, short sentences that allow you to read and understand the porpoise of the pool clearly.

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by Ronald Rocco Ronald Rocco No Comments

How To Tell If A Pool Is Properly Chlorinated

When you have to clean a swimming pool, a few main things to be considered are the cleanliness, safety, and the balanced water which eventually help to pool maintenance. By adding the right amount of chlorine products from the best chlorine tablets factory to your pool, you can effectively kill pathogenic fungi and algae as well as a variety of viruses that may cause a number of diseases. Furthermore, chlorine is the most effective anti-microbial agent and the main disinfectant to most types of pathogens and parasites, but it is also the most consumed chemical in swimming pools. Nevertheless, the issue of checking the chlorine presence in the water, on the contrary, can be a bit tough as it is only a few individuals who can provide the accurate answer. Which is more dangerous to the swimmers, having a pool that has no enough chlorine or, when the water is chlorinated, the swimmers are at a risk of getting sick?

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by Ronald Rocco Ronald Rocco No Comments

Does All in One Algaecide Help With a Cloudy Pool?

You always want clear, sparkling waters whenever you own a swimming pool. However, cloudy pool water will easily distract your plans by making the swimming pool less attractive and unsafe for the swimmers. The standard product any owner of such pools reaches during cloudy water hassles is All in One Algaecide. However, the question is whether it’s a help for cloudy pool water or rather just another fancy marketing gimmick.

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by Ronald Rocco Ronald Rocco No Comments

How to Break the Chlorine Lock

Ask a pool owner to name some of the worst nightmares they could imagine about maintenance, and chances are you’d get things ranging from persistent green water through calcium scaling to that mystery of chemical imbalances that would not go away. On the other hand, one term constantly surfing whenever one hits the research and information superhighway about pool chemistry is: Chlorine Lock. Although different people will refer to it differently, chlorine lock is a condition where your pool water refuses to hold free chlorine, no matter how much sanitizer you put in.

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by Ronald Rocco Ronald Rocco No Comments

What Happens If You Mix Chlorine and Bromine

Pool sanitation is essential, and chlorine and bromine are among the most usable sanitizers. These products will maintain your pool water clean, clear, free from pathogenic bacteria. But what happens if mixing chlorine and bromine in your pool? Is it safe for use? It would be an essential topic because any possible chemical reaction and the possible effects of these on the health and safety of the swimmers and the sustainability of your equipment will be involved. The following article shall delve deeply into the relationship between chlorine and bromine and some of its impacts.

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by Ronald Rocco Ronald Rocco No Comments

How Much Chlorine to Remove Iron Bacteria from Well

Iron bacteria can be regarded as an exotic microbe. However, it is a fairly widespread issue in well water systems worldwide. If your home is serviced by a private well for water, then possibly you have noticed an orange or reddish-colored slime staining toilets, fixtures, or even well casings. Perhaps your water smells of a metallic odor, similar to odor of swamp, and that is indicative of a problem with iron bacteria.

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by Ronald Rocco Ronald Rocco No Comments

How Much does 2lb of Shock Raise Pool Chlorine Level

Pool maintenance is not just about keeping the pool clean. It is also about keeping the right level of chemicals, especially chlorine. Chlorine is an essential substance in keeping your pool water free from bacteria, algae, and any other microorganism. All the same, chlorine levels in pools change with time. The balance of chlorine has to be maintained in a manner that makes the water both safe and good to swim in.

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by Ronald Rocco Ronald Rocco No Comments

What is Chlorine Rain?

Just a moment, imagine stepping outside in the rain and thinking about the chemistry in every drop that reaches the ground. Most of us just think about rain as water, maybe laced with a little dust or pollution from the city. There are places around the planet, however, where rain can do more than simply carry water vapor and common impurities in the air down to Earth, and that includes chlorine-based compounds. One might refer to this type of rain as chlorine rain.

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by Ronald Rocco Ronald Rocco No Comments

Why Is My Pool NOT Holding Chlorine?

Have you ever spent days putting chemical after chemical in your swimming pool, only to test the water and find very little, if any, traces of chlorine? You are definitely not alone when it comes to having a pool that just won’t hold a good chlorine level. In fact, this can be really frustrating-they use a large amount of Chlorine For Pools, yet just some days, or even hours, later, if they use a test kit or strips, the results come back showing the sanitizer is practically nil.

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by Ronald Rocco Ronald Rocco No Comments

What is the Difference Between Shock and Chlorine?

Maintaining a clean, safe swimming pool isn’t simply about having fun in the sun. It is also about maintaining balanced and sanitized water. But while there are a variety of chemicals and tools that can be used for proper care, none are more frequently talked about or as critical to the health of your swimming environment than chlorine and Pool Shock.

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